TANG Fei 鄧飛

Hon TANG Fei, MH

  • Member of the Legislative Council Election Committee
  • Vice chairman,Hong Kong Federation of Education Workers

Hon TANG Fei holds a Master’s degree in Political Science from the University of York and a Bachelor’s degree in Social Sciences from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He is also a member of the Hong Kong Civic Education Committee, a member of the Liberal Studies Committee of the Joint Committee of the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority, a member of the Hong Kong Education Commission, a member of the Moral and National Education Committee of the Hong Kong Education Bureau, a member of the Liberal Studies Committee of the Hong Kong Curriculum Development Council, and a member of the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority. He was a part-time lecturer for the Master of Education and Diploma in Education programmes at the Chinese University of Hong Kong and was seconded to the Education Bureau to take up the role of curriculum co-ordinator. He has also served as a presenter and guest commentator for various media including Radio Television Hong Kong, TVB, Phoenix Satellite Television and Orange News, and has written commentaries on education and current affairs for major newspapers in Hong Kong.