NG Jimmy  吴永嘉

吴永嘉议员, 铜紫荆星章, 太平绅士

  • 香港立法会议员

吴永嘉议员,BBS, 太平绅士,现为立法会工业界(第二)议员及执业律师,并兼任香港理工大学校董、香港大学校委会及校董会成员。

Besides being the Chairman of Hong Kong-Taiwan Business Co-operation Committee (BCC) and the Chairman of the Passport Appeal Board, HKSAR, Hon. NG serves as a member of the Competition Commission,  Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Election Committee, Vice-chairman of the Independent Police Complaints Council (IPCC), Non-Executive Director of Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority as well as  board members of the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation.
