- 香港科技大學常務副校長
- 英國皇家工程院院士
- 英國帝國理工學院計算系教授
- 歐洲科學院院士
- 英國電腦學會院士
Professor Guo Yike, a Fellow of the Royal Academic of Engineering (FRENG), was appointed as the Vice-President (Research and Development) of Hong Kong Baptist University on 1 January 2020. Prof Guo is Professor of Computing Science in the Department of Computing at Imperial College London since 2002. Before joining Hong Kong Baptist University, Prof Guo was the founding Director of the Data Science Institute at Imperial College since 2014, which is one of the six Imperial College Global Challenge Institutes. He is also a Member of Academia Europaea (MAE), Fellow of British Computer Society (FBCS).
郭教授於1985年獲得清華大學計算科學一級榮譽學位,1993年獲得帝國學院計算機科學博士學位。1999年,郭教授創立了帝國學院衍生企業數據分析平台公司InforSense Limited,專門從事生命科學和醫學的大數據分析,具有豐富的創業及與工業界合作的經驗。