HE Kathy 何奇志


  • 小核酸藥物公司 首席執行官

何奇志女士(Kathy He)是小核酸藥物公司Lerna Biopharma Pte.(以下簡稱 "Lerna")的首席執行官。Lerna是一家初創型創新藥物研發公司。藉助於上海、波士頓和新加坡三地的資本,技術和人才優勢,結合團隊對生物靶點的深入理解以及多年核酸藥物化學的行業經驗,Lerna專注研發針對肝部疾病的first-in-class 的核酸藥物。Kathy在中、美醫藥行業從事管理運營,產品開發及市場推廣20多年,曾成功推動了多款創新藥物進入市場,在優化產品組合及企業戰略發展上擁有豐富的經驗,同時還具備全球化研發運營管理背景。加入Lerna之前,Kathy是科越醫藥(Kira Pharmaceuticals)的全球首席商務官及中國區總經理,任職期間,她帶領該公司完成6,000萬美元的B+輪融資,並幫助科越醫藥在中國搭建了高效的運營體系,助力其全球化擴張。Kathy還曾是香港上市公司和譽生物(Abbisko Therapeutics)的首席商務官和企業發展負責人,主導其早期超過1億美元的融資,為和譽生物建立了多個跨境戰略合作夥伴關係。此外,Kathy曾在包括武田制藥(Takeda)、默沙東(MSD)和雅培(Abbott)等數家跨國醫藥公司負責多款重磅藥物在美國的市場推廣。除豐富的行業運營經驗外,Kathy還曾在知名投資公司擔任企業合夥人。

Prior to joining Lerna, Ms. He was the Chief Business Officer (CBO) and General Manager at Kira Pharmaceuticals, where she led the closing of its $60M Series B+ round of financing and built an operation in China to support Kira’s global expansion. Before Kira, she was the CBO and Head of Corporate Development at Abbisko Therapeutics (HKEx stock code: 02256), where she led the raise of over $100M and closed a series of cross-border strategic partnerships. In addition to her extensive operating experience, Kathy also worked as a Venture Partner and Managing Director at top tier investment firms in China.

Kathy received a BS degree in biology from Wuhan University, a MS in molecular biology from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and MBA from Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University. She is currently a board member of Diagnostic Photonics, an innovative medical device company, a former trustee of Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy, and a past board member of the BayHelix Group, a non-profit professional organization for business leaders in life sciences and healthcare industries.