Henry Tan BBS, JP, LHD
- Hong Kong Deputy, National People’s Congress, PRC
- Textile Council of Hong Kong – Chairman
- Luen Thai Group Ltd – Vice Chairman & Chief Executive Officer
Dr Henry Tan is Vice Chairman & CEO of Luen Thai Group Ltd and CEO of S.A.I. Leisure Group Co Ltd (HKSE stock code: 1832).
Henry is Hong Kong Deputy to the 13th National People’s Congress, PRC, and Chairman of the Textile Council of Hong Kong. He is Court Member of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Honorary Court Member of Hong Kong Baptist University; and member of the Council and Chairman of Advisory Committee of the College of Professional and Continuing Education of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
Henry was awarded Bronze Bauhinia Star in 2005 and appointed as Justice of the Peace in 2008 by the HKSAR Government. He was conferred an honorary doctorate by the University of Guam, his alma mater, in 2013 and University Fellowship by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 2018.
陳亨利博士為聯泰集團有限公司副主席兼首席執行官,及海天地悅旅集團有限公司(香港聯交所上市公司,股份代码:1832) 行政總裁。
陳博士現為第十三屆港區全國人大代表、香港紡織業聯會會長,並為香港理工大學大學顧問委員會成員、香港浸會大學諮議會榮譽委員、香港理工大學專業及持續教育學院校董會成員及顧問委員會主席。 陳博士獲香港特別行政區政府分別於二零零五年頒授銅紫荊星章、二零零八年委任為太平紳士。陳博士並於二零一三年獲關島大學頒授榮譽人文學博士、二零一八年獲香港理工大學頒授大學院士榮銜。