BIOHK2023 Survey 問卷調查 Email 因為您的回饋對於幫助我們改進 BIOHK2024 非常重要,請您填寫這份快速調查! We would greatly appreciate it if you filled out this quick survey as your feedback is important to help us improve BIOHK2024! 為了表示感謝,完成調查的人將獲得額外 10% 的 BIOHK2024 註冊費或展位費折扣。 As a token of our appreciation, those who complete the survey will receive an additional 10% discount on registration or booth fees for BIOHK2024. 要獲得折扣,請提供: To receive the discount please provide: 全名 Full Name 電話號碼 Phone Number 電子郵件Email 您以哪個身份參與 Did you participate as * 參加者 Attendee 參展商 Exhibitor 演講嘉賓 Speaker 贊助商 Sponsor 組織委員會 Organizing Committee 您參加 BIOHK2023 的目的是什麼?(可以選擇多個)What were your objectives for BIOHK2023? (you may select more than one) * 尋找客戶 Generate leads 銷售 Sales 提升曝光率 Gain more exposure 經驗分享 Share experience 聆聽演講 Listen to speakers 投資 Investing 其他 Others (請注明 please specify) 1. 您對本次活動的滿意度如何? What is your level of satisfaction with this event? * 非常滿意 Extremely Satisfied 很滿意 Very Satisfied 還算滿意 Somewhat Satisfied 不滿意 Not Satisfied 2. 您對展會場地的佈置/外觀的滿意度如何? How satisfied were you with the layout/appearance of the trade show floor? * 非常滿意 Extremely Satisfied 很滿意 Very Satisfied 還算滿意 Somewhat Satisfied 不滿意 Not Satisfied 3. 您對註冊過程的評價如何? How did you find the registration process? * 十分容易 Very Easy 容易 Moderately Easy 普通 Neutral 困難 Hard 十分困難 Very Hard 4. 您對翻譯設備和譯者的滿意度如何? How satisfied were you with the translation devices and translators? * 非常滿意 Extremely Satisfied 很滿意 Very Satisfied 還算滿意 Somewhat Satisfied 不滿意 Not Satisfied 不適用/不需要 Not applicable / did not require it 5. 您對路演比賽/路演機會滿意嗎?Were you satisfied with the pitching competition/pitching opportunity? * 非常滿意 Extremely Satisfied 很滿意 Very Satisfied 還算滿意 Somewhat Satisfied 不滿意 Not Satisfied 不適用 Not applicable 6. 您對所提供的交流機會的滿意度如何? How satisfied were you with the networking opportunities provided? * 非常滿意 Extremely Satisfied 很滿意 Very Satisfied 還算滿意 Somewhat Satisfied 不滿意 Not Satisfied 7. 現場工作人員的協助程度如何? How helpful was the staff onsite? * 十分能夠幫忙 Very Helpful 能夠幫忙 Helpful 普通 Neutral 不能夠幫忙 Not helpful 8. 您對本次活動的會議安排是否滿意? How satisfied were you with the conference program at the event? * 非常滿意 Extremely Satisfied 很滿意 Very Satisfied 還算滿意 Somewhat Satisfied 不滿意 Not Satisfied 9. 您如何評價活動定價? How would you rate the event pricing? * 太高了 Much too high 有點太高了 A little too high 差不多 About right 太低了 Too low 10. 活動長度是否恰到好處、太長或太短? Was the event length just right, too long, or too short? * 剛好 Just right 太短 Too Short 太長 Too Long 11. 您對 One2One 合作平台的整體滿意度如何? How would you rate your overall satisfaction with the One2One partnering platform? * 非常滿意 Extremely Satisfied 很滿意 Very Satisfied 還算滿意 Somewhat Satisfied 不滿意 Not Satisfied 不適用 Not applicable 12. 受眾與您的業務/產業的相關性如何? How relevant was the audience for your business/industry? * 十分相關 Very relevant 部分相關 A little relevant 普通 Neutral 不相關 Not relevant 不適用 Not applicable 13. 您對展位搭建商的滿意度如何? How satisfied were you with the contractor for the booth setup? * 非常滿意 Extremely Satisfied 很滿意 Very Satisfied 還算滿意 Somewhat Satisfied 不滿意 Not Satisfied 不適用 Not applicable 14. 您對與會者對您的攤位感有趣的滿意度如何? How satisfied were you with attendees’ interest in your exhibitor booth? * 非常滿意 Extremely Satisfied 很滿意 Very Satisfied 還算滿意 Somewhat Satisfied 不滿意 Not Satisfied 不適用 Not applicable 15. 您推薦您的朋友參加我們活動的可能性有多大? How likely will you recommend your friends to participate in our event? * 十分有可能 Very Likely 很有可能 Likely 可能 Maybe 不太可能 Not Likely 16. 您能夠實現您的目標嗎Were you able to meet your objectives? * 能夠 Yes 很大程度上能夠 Very Likely 不確定 Not sure yet 不太能 Not likely 不能 No 17. 您有可能參加我們未來的活動嗎? Are you likely to participate in our future events? * 會參加 Yes 十分有可能 Very Likely 可能 Maybe 不太可能 Not Likely 不會參加 No 18. 請分享對未來活動的任何其他建議/回饋 Please share any additional suggestions/feedback for future events. 感謝您的寶貴意見!Thank you for your valuable feedback!