Vince Gao, PhD
- Founder , CEO & CSO, Govita Tech Ltd, Hong Kong (2016 – current)
Established Biological Pathway Omics (BPO®) and appl y it to the research and development of genetic and metabolic testing, AI algorithms for data association , and nutraceutical formulas Provide healthy longevity products and services to healthcare organizations and people in needs Cultivat e talents in biotechnology R&D and successfully commercializ e company’s products
- Executive President and CSO, BGI Health, BGI, China (2012 – 15)
Developed multi omics (genetic, proteomic and metabolomic) detection technologies, health programs and intervention products serving life science and medical institutions. Successfully developed biotech R&D and service teams and lectured globally on the application of multi omics in healthcare and preventive medicine - APAC Sr. Director, China GM, Applied Biosystems | Life Tech nologies | Sciex, USA 1998 – 2012
Led the development and marketing of molecular assay technologies, reagents and instruments that successfully expanded the market for pharmaceutical research, healthcare and life sciences. Led the company to develop the molecular testing market in the Asia Pacific region, especially in China, with an annual revenue of more than US 100 million. - R&D Scientist, Study Director of Drug Metabolism AstraZeneca, USA (1993 – 1998)
Responsible for the clinical and metabolism studies of a breast cancer drug Arimidex. The two year survival rate for patients taking the drug was 85.4%. The annual revenue of the drug reached SD$2B. - Regenerative Med R&D Scientist, HemaGen, USA (1991 – 1993)
Developed artificial blood products for organ transport, angioplasty, first aid and life support.
Dr. Gao has a strong background in drug R&D and multi-omics testing technology and won the top ten innovative product award at the International Innovation Expo. He founded Govita Biotech in Hong Kong to develop innovative molecular biomarker tests, AI algorithms and nutraceuticals to predict and prevent diseases, improve quality of life, and extend healthy lifespan. Recently these combined technologies were granted a US invention patent.